There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a succession of moment after moment.


The reason why you wake up. The reason your business exists. The thing that you would do if money were no object. This is IKIGAI, and it is why go:IKIGAI LLC exists. To help individuals, teams and businesses uncover, recover, or discover their purpose. Then center their existence and all they do on that purpose. Until you know it, your mission is to know it. Once you know it, your mission is to express it, support it, build with it, share it with the world around you and those you love. Purpose takes many forms: it can be the defense of the innocent, writing your great novel, breaking a world record, or simply being so fully present that you become one with the world around you. Whatever it is, our job is to help you see it clearly, build a plan to bring it forth, and ensure you, your team or your business prospers as you do.

The purpose of life is to be defeated by greater and greater things.

We will come to you to facilitate discovering, uncovering or recovering your IKIGAI!